

Biology: πŸŒΏπŸ”¬

Biology is an in-depth exploration of living organisms, from the microscopic world of cells to the complex dynamics of ecosystems. Students engage in the study of various modules, covering topics ranging from the cellular basis of life to the intricacies of heredity, genetic changes, and the nature of diseases.

Year 11:

  • Module 1: Cells as the Basis of Life (15 hours):
    • Explore the fundamental role of cells as the building blocks of life, understanding their structure, function, and significance.
  • Module 2: Organisation of Living Things:
    • Investigate the hierarchical organization of living organisms, exploring tissues, organs, and organ systems.
  • Module 3: Biological Diversity:
    • Delve into the vast array of living organisms, exploring the diversity of life and its evolutionary aspects.
  • Module 4: Ecosystem Dynamics:
    • Understand the dynamic interactions within ecosystems, exploring the relationships between living organisms and their environment.

Year 12:

  • Module 5: Heredity (15 hours):
    • Explore the principles of heredity, understanding the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next.
  • Module 6: Genetic Change:
    • Investigate the mechanisms and consequences of genetic changes, exploring topics such as mutations and genetic engineering.
  • Module 7: Infectious Disease (60 hours):
    • Explore the nature and impact of infectious diseases, understanding the biology of pathogens and the body’s immune response.
  • Module 8: Non-infectious Disease and Disorders:
    • Investigate non-infectious diseases and disorders, exploring their causes, mechanisms, and potential treatments.

Biology provides students with a comprehensive understanding of life, from the molecular level to ecological dynamics. The course fosters critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and an appreciation for the interconnectedness of living organisms and their environments. πŸš€πŸŒ±