
Maths Standard

Mathematics Standard: 📊🧮

Mathematics Standard provides students with foundational mathematical skills and practical applications for everyday contexts, catering to a broad range of students. 🎓🌐

Year 11 Topics:

  • Algebra:
    • Formulae and Equations (MS-A1): 🧮📝 Explore fundamental algebraic concepts, focusing on formulae and equations.
    • Linear Relationships (MS-A2): 📈🔗 Understand linear relationships and their applications in various contexts.
  • Measurement:
    • Applications of Measurement (MS-M1): 📏📐 Apply measurement concepts to practical situations, emphasizing real-world applications.
    • Working with Time (MS-M2): ⏰📊 Explore time-related measurements and their practical implications.
  • Financial Mathematics:
    • Money Matters (MS-F1): 💰📈 Delve into financial mathematics, covering essential concepts related to money and finance.
  • Statistical Analysis:
    • Data Analysis (MS-S1): 📊📈 Develop skills in data analysis, understanding the basics of representing and interpreting data.
    • Relative Frequency and Probability (MS-S2): 🎲📊 Explore probability concepts, emphasizing relative frequency.

Year 12 – Mathematics Standard 1:

  • Algebra:
    • Types of Relationships (MS-A3): 🔗🌐 Explore various types of relationships expressed through algebraic models.
  • Measurement:
    • Right-angled Triangles (MS-M3): 📐🔍 Explore geometric reasoning with right-angled triangles.
    • Rates (MS-M4): 📈📊 Understand rates and their applications in different contexts.
    • Scale Drawings (MS-M5): 📏🎨 Explore the creation and interpretation of scale drawings.
  • Financial Mathematics:
    • Investment (MS-F2): 💹📉 Explore investment concepts and their mathematical modeling.
    • Depreciation and Loans (MS-F3): 💰📈 Understand depreciation and loans in financial mathematics.
  • Statistical Analysis:
    • Further Statistical Analysis (MS-S3): 📊🔍 Deepen statistical analysis skills, covering advanced concepts.
  • Networks:
    • Networks and Paths (MS-N1): 🌐🚶‍♂️ Explore network concepts and paths in real-world scenarios.

Year 12 – Mathematics Standard 2:

  • Algebra:
    • Types of Relationships (MS-A4): 🔗🌐 Further explore various types of algebraic relationships.
  • Measurement:
    • Non-right-angled Trigonometry (MS-M6): 📐🔍 Dive into non-right-angled trigonometry, expanding geometric reasoning skills.
    • Rates and Ratios (MS-M7): 📈📉 Explore rates and ratios in different contexts.
  • Financial Mathematics:
    • Investments and Loans (MS-F4): 💹📉 Further explore investments and loans in financial mathematics.
    • Annuities (MS-F5): 💰⏳ Understand the concept of annuities and their applications.
  • Statistical Analysis:
    • Bivariate Data Analysis (MS-S4): 📊📈 Analyze bivariate data, exploring relationships between two variables.
    • The Normal Distribution (MS-S5): 📊📏 Understand the normal distribution and its applications in statistical analysis.
  • Networks:
    • Network Concepts (MS-N2): 🌐🔗 Deepen understanding of network concepts in various scenarios.
    • Critical Path Analysis (MS-N3): 🌐⏳ Explore critical path analysis in network situations.

Mathematics Standard not only equips students with practical mathematical skills but also provides a foundation for understanding and solving real-world problems. 🌟🔍 This course is suitable for students with varied interests and career aspirations. 🚀📚